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February 13, 2009

White Collar Homelessness

Every now and then I run into a blog post that perfectly captures an important idea that we should have a conversation about locally. Most recently I found an post entitled “The Coming Crisis: White Collar Homelessness”; a relevant subject when you consider just a few local facts.

  • The number of homes lost to foreclosure in New Haven has risen steeply in 2008 (293 during the first three quarters of 2008, compared to 165 for all of 2007).
  • In New Haven there are 769 vacant dwellings and approximately 1,000 homes in the last stage before foreclose.
  • In New Haven there has been a 5% increase in homeless individuals and in Connecticut a 13% increase in families this year, compared to last year.
  • In New Haven there has been an increase of almost 13% in the number of homeless single women. Women are also losing their children to foster care once they are no longer able to provide shelter.
  • Before the overflow shelter opened in November, Columbus House was turning away 8-10 men a night. They would be referred to Emergency Shelter Management Services (Immanuel Baptist), which is also operating at capacity.

From the Article:

Last month, unemployment rates surged to a startling 7.6 percent. As the jobless population is becoming older, many are ending up with no job prospects, no health insurance, and - before long - no home. Homelessness blogger Shannon Moriarty is worried about what will happen next, as shelters and community safety nets are already buckling under shrinking budgets and increased demand.

Read: The Coming Crisis: White Collar Homelessness

Jack Healy
President and CEO
United Way of Greater New Haven

1 comment:

  1. Shannon Moriarty who writes about homelessness for Change.org will be my guest on News Talk Online on Paltalk.com at 5 PM New York time Thursday February 19 to discuss the increasing number of homeless white collar workers.

    Please go to http://www.garybaumgarten.com and click on the Join The Chatroom button to talk to her.


