November 7, 2008
Media Contact: Michelle Wade
Work: 203.691.4202
Cell: 860.834.0128
On Saturday, October 25, 2008, United Way of Greater New Haven as well as service providers and volunteers came together to help out the growing homeless community. Project Homeless Connect, held at
This was the second year that the program has been held and over 400 people came to utilize the services provided. The range of services offered during Project Homeless Connect was vital to the project’s success. Many families came out, and in anticipation of this, there was an entire children’s area devoted to keeping the kids entertained with face painting and other fun activities. While the kids were occupied, the parents had time to seek out the services that they needed. Flu shots, hair cuts, housing services information, and care packages were top priority to most people attending the event. Other services offered were mammograms, substance abuse counseling, social security assistance, and legal counseling.
“Project Homeless Connect was so successful this year was because of the outpouring of support from the community. With about 68 volunteers at the event helping to set up, serve lunch, and guide people around, everything ran smoothly. Also, over 60 agencies, including Planned Parenthood, Columbus House, and North Haven Academy (a Paul Mitchell partner school), donated their time and services to make this event possible,” said Cecily Jones, Volunteer Engagement Coordinator of United Way of Greater New Haven.
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United Way brings together the caring power of our community to create measurable, sustainable change and to improve lives. To do this we: help identify our region's greatest needs and best opportunities for change; raise dollars and invest those dollars for results; connect people to their caring through volunteer opportunities.
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Project Homeless Connect was very successful as it reached out to the children, their parents, and those who attended the said program. The services included giving out counseling on substance abuse which aids people who experiences with this kind of problem.