We Have Moved.
April 23, 2009
Obama Passes Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
This legislation comes at a moment of need and opportunity for our nation. The economic downturn is causing hardship for millions of Americans putting more people at risk for unemployment, foreclosure, abuse, addiction, and other challenges. National service helps by providing nonprofits with an infusion of people willing to serve to recruit volunteers and manage programs.
Seventy-five years to the day after President Roosevelt signed the Civilian Conservation Corps into law, the House sent President Obama this new sweeping expansion of national service that will engage millions of Americans in solving local problems through volunteering.
Courtesy of AARP Bulletin Today
To read more, click on any of the links below:
NY Times
April 14, 2009
CT Mission of Mercy Free Dental Services & The Importance of Oral Health
Maintaining good oral health is important for overall general health. In Connecticut, approximately 1 million people lack access to dental care, putting their oral health, and overall health, at risk. Nationally, for every adult without medical insurance, there are three without dental insurance. Unfortunately, for many individuals living on small incomes or without dental insurance, dental care is a luxury that they cannot afford.
Why Oral Health Matters
Children and adults with poor oral health not only face extreme pain, discomfort, and embarrassment, but are more likely to get sick and miss school or work. Periodontal disease is associated with increased risk of low-birth-weight, premature births, diabetes, heart and lung diseases, and stroke. The Surgeon General found that oral diseases and their treatment place a burden on society in the form of lost days and years of productive work.
Tooth decay is the most prevalent chronic condition among children in the United States. More than one-quarter of US preschoolers (28%) have experienced visible cavities well before entering school.
Meeting the Need
As a way of addressing this significant health crisis, the Connecticut Mission of Mercy is opening a multi-day dental clinic to the public. Dental services will be provided to anyone (children, adults and the elderly) who is without dental insurance and in a low-income situation. Patients will be screened and treated based on their most urgent dental needs. Most importantly, all treatments and services are completely free. Services will be provided by volunteer dentists, UConn dental students, dental hygienists and dental assistants. All services will be on a first come, first serve basis.
Additional Information
You can learn more about the Mission of Mercy event as well as the importance of oral health by visiting the following links:
Success By Six Advisory Council Urges Legislators to Protect Early Childhood Services
Bethany, Branford, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange,West Haven, and Woodbridge
Connecticut State Senate
The State Capitol
Legislative Office Building
Dear Senator,
Not only are quality early childhood programs good for children, research shows that investing in such programs can generate government savings that more than repay their costs and produce returns to society that outpace most public and private investments. To that end, we urge you to at least maintain funding levels for Care4Kids, state funded child care centers, quality enhancement, school readiness and health services. In addition, your efforts to effectively advocate for early care and education federal funding opportunities around the Child Care and Development Block Grant, Head Start, IDEA and No Child Left Behind will enable area agencies to provide more families with quality early care and education services.
We also encourage you to support interagency coordination, partnerships and accountability so that the state can continue to build an early care and education system across government agencies system. Such a system would make it easier for families with young children to navigate the different programs with their different requirements and would ensure that the state’s resources are being well-used. The Early Childhood Education Cabinet was an important entity in promoting coordination and accountability, and we encourage you to keep this structure in place.
Professor of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine
Stephanie Redding
Assistant Chief of Police, City of New Haven
April 2, 2009
Chris Alexander United Way of America’s 2009 Community All-Star

To read the full story about Chris and the Community All Star Program click here
What Nonprofits Need to Know About The Federal Recovery Act
The Connecticut Council for Philanthropy invites staff and trustees of grantmaking organizations and their nonprofit grantees to:
What Nonprofits Need to Know About The Federal Recovery Act
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will bring close to $3 billion to Connecticut, and additional funds will be available on a competitive basis nationally. There will be opportunities for nonprofit organizations and groups of organizations to compete for this national money as well as money that will flow through the state and municipalities.
At this forum, nonprofit and philanthropic leaders will exchange information about three
key issues:
- What opportunities are there for nonprofits to access stimulus funding?
- How will state and local governments direct the funds from the Recovery Act?
- Are there areas where nonprofit organizations should advocate for policies and practices that would be needed for the stimulus package to succeed?
An overview of the Recovery Act will be followed by breakout sessions with experts focused on early childhood, education, transportation, housing, environment/energy, health, workforce/job training, and the arts.
Shelley Geballe, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Connecticut Voices for Children
Stewart J. Hudson, President, Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation
The forum will be offered on the following three dates in three locations. Register for the forum using the registration on the date you intend to participate.
Hosted by the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy.
Monday, April 13, 20098:30 am – 12:00 pm (registration begins at 8:30 am; program promptly at 9:00 am)
Adanti Student Center, Southern Connecticut State University , New Haven, CT(Directions: http://www.southernct.edu/aboutscsu/map/ )
Register for the New Haven area forum: send an email to: events@cfgnh.org
Hosted by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving and the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy.
Tuesday, April 14, 20098:30 am – 12:00 pm (registration begins at 8:30 am; program promptly at 9:00 am)
Bruyette Athenaeum, Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, CT(Directions: www.sjc.edu/content.cfm/pageid/264)
Register for the Hartford area forum at: http://www.hfpg.org/events/EventReg/default.asp code: ARRA414
Hosted by the Fairfield County Community Foundation and the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy.
Friday, April 17, 20091:00 – 4:30 pm (registration begins at 1:00 pm; program promptly at 1:30 pm)
PepsiCo Theater, Norwalk Community College, Norwalk, CT(Directions: http://www.ncc.commnet.edu/directions.asp)
Register for the Fairfield County forum at: http://www.fccfoundation.org/Join/WorkshopRegistration.php
Additional presenters and information will be available at www.ctphilanthropy.org
or by calling the Council at 860-525-5585.
Space is limited, and reservations are required.
The following foundations worked with the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy to design this program: Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Fairfield County Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut.